Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Save Water PSA Poster

My topic was about conserving water and how it can really change when it comes to the earths water resources...

I learned the average home uses more than 200 gallons per day. Which is proven to be that half of that water is wasted down the drain. If we were to conserve water such as turning off the faucet when its not in use, shortening our shower time, and limiting our laundry days.

The interesting facts i used from the website that can be seen here it tells you how to conserve water and how you can save 1 gallon at your house per day.

My rough sketches and ideas are here.

My finished PSA informs and educates the viewer by conserving water and letting them know we have the ability to make a change in this world and present how us people could save water.

Copy Right All Rights Reserved

the definition of copy right is "the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same'' http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fair%20use
1.Copyright is for example is recording an album and giving the rights for someone else to download it.
2.The rights to let someone copy your CD

Fair use is quoting someone else's words and using them on your part it can be a book,news reporter,teaching and criticism without permission of the person. For example reading  something from the book and using it on part of your essay project etc but ALWAYS remember to quote it. For example getting something of the internet and using it on email nor something else remember to quote and type the website you got it from.

Halloween before image used with permission creative commons 
playing with photoshop exploring what liquify is ,dodge and burn,and clone stamp tool can do

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Color Psychology

The lesson we learned is about color psychology the color i chose is blue.Blue is symbolizes trust and loyalty,wisdom,confidence,intelligence,faith,truth and heaven

Monday, October 28, 2013

Dream destination get away

The Statue Of Liberty in New york because it has been my dream to go there since I was a little one The Statue Of Liberty Island is a very beautiful place you can go to it reminds people when freedom came to the United States it represents hope and opportunity for those people looking for a better life in America . The Statue Of Liberty  island is my dream get away.

The official website to plan a trip to The Statue Of Liberty is on this website if you would like to see more information http://www.nps.gov/stli/index.htm